eReading Room for Teens eBooks & Downloadable Audiobooks
Overdrive: Teen eBooks for your computer, mobile device, or eReader.
Overdrive: Teen eBooks for your computer, mobile device, or eReader.
Freegal Music is our free digital music service that gives you access to 15+ million songs from 200+ genres, including Sony Music’s catalog of legendary artists. The collection also features music videos and audiobooks. Streaming is unlimited and you can download up to 4 DRM-free songs each week. You can also create and save playlists and share them with others.
Stream more than 30,000 independent and international films as well as documentaries and other educational entertainment through Kanopy from any computer, television, mobile device, or platform by downloading the Kanopy app for iOS, Android, AppleTV, Chromecast, or Roku.
Every cardholder has 30 tickets per month to watch films.
OverDrive offers instant access to the latest issues of your favorite magazines including Us Weekly, The New Yorker, The Economist, National Geographic, and Family Tree. All OverDrive magazines are always available with no wait lists or holds to manage.
OverDrive magazines are free and easy to access from home or on the go. You can read OverDrive magazines in the browser or with Libby (iOS or Android) using your library card and PIN.
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