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Online Resources
Biography Reference Bank Databases Mobile Apps
Biography Reference Source Databases
Comprehensive collection of 450,000+ biographical profiles.
CIA World Factbook
Provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities.
College Admissions Test Preparation
Practice tests, interactive tutorials, and eBooks from LearningExpress Library to help you prepare for college success.
College Center
Strengthen your academic skills and prepare for placement tests and graduate school entrance exams in LearningExpress Library's College Center.
Explora Dictionaries & Encyclopedias
Browse by broad topic area or search by a general interest, health, legal, biographical, or other topic for full-text popular magazine and journal articles, and other resources.
Explora for Elementary Students
Browse by broad topic areas or search by any topic for full text popular magazine articles, encyclopedia entries, and other resources.
Explore Census Data
Your source for population, housing, economic, and geographic data from the U.S. Census Bureau.
Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia Dictionaries & Encyclopedias Mobile Apps
MasterFILE – Magazines, Journals, and Photos Magazines & Newspapers Mobile Apps
New York Times New!
Enjoy unlimited access to NYTimes.com and the New York Times mobile app. When the 24-hour license expires, return to this page to checkout another one.
Logging in to NYTimes.com:
- Click the "Redeem" link on the next page to access NYTimes.com and the New Times mobile app.
- Login or register to activate your subscription.
- Create a NYtimes.com account with Google, Facebook, or your email address.
New York Times Digital Microfilm
Access the digital microfilm from the New York Times. The full-page images of this digitized newspaper provide genealogists, researchers and scholars with cover-to-cover access to recent newspaper content. Every page is full-text searchable. Coverage: 2008 - recent (3-month embargo).
Newsbank Newspaper Articles Magazines & Newspapers
Looking for the Omaha World-Herald? NewsBank gives library cardholders instant access to the World-Herald's issues and archives, plus hundreds of other newspapers in English and Spanish around the country.
Omaha World-Herald Magazines & Newspapers
Looking for the Omaha World-Herald? NewsBank gives library cardholders instant access to the World-Herald's issues and archives.
Points of View Reference Source
Find critical essays of current events with an overview and two sides of the issue.
Primary Search Mobile Apps
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection Magazines & Newspapers Mobile Apps
School Center Courses & Training
Resources for elementary, middle, and high school students from LearningExpress Library. Prepare for important tests, get extra help for assignments, boost skills in core subjects, and more.
Science and Technology Collection Magazines & Newspapers Mobile Apps
Wall Street Journal Digital Microfilm
Access the digital microfilm from the Wall Street Journal. The full-page images of this digitized newspaper provide genealogists, researchers and scholars with cover-to-cover access to recent newspaper content. Every page is full-text searchable. Coverage: 2008 - recent (3-month embargo).
World Rankings and Records
Search world rankings, records, top 10 lists, and more.