Find Douglas County Vital Records

Birth Records
Death Records
Divorce Records
Marriage Records

Birth Records

The state required births to be registered beginning in 1904, although some Nebraska counties kept registers before that. From 1904 to 1911, births were usually filed only under the father's name and didn't list the name of the child. Actual birth certificates started in 1912. Compliance was poor for many years. Beginning in 1941, a person born in Nebraska before 1905 could ask to have their birth record put on file (delayed birth).

Microfilm at the Genealogy & Local History Room: 1874-1910

Douglas County Health Department, opens a new window

Nebraska Dept. of Health and Human Services, opens a new window

Greater Omaha Genealogical Society Index to Births, opens a new window

Death Records

The state required deaths to be registered beginning in 1904, although some Nebraska counties kept registers before that.

Microfilm at the Genealogy & Local History Room: 1873-1904; South Omaha Dec. 1895-July 1905; City of Omaha 1895-1915

Douglas County Health Department, opens a new window

Nebraska Dept. of Health and Human Services, opens a new window

Divorce Records

The state required divorces to be registered beginning in 1909. Some counties recorded them before that.

Douglas County Clerk of the District Court, opens a new window

Nebraska Dept. of Health and Human Services, opens a new window

Greater Omaha Genealogical Society Index to Divorces, opens a new window (from newspaper announcements)

Marriage Records

The state required marriages to be registered beginning in 1909, however, most counties kept registers of marriages before that.

Licenses and returns available on microfilm at the Genealogy & Local History Room: 1856-2005; index 1856-1932.

Douglas County Clerk's Office, opens a new window

Nebraska Dept. of Health and Human Services, opens a new window

Online marriage indexes:

Greater Omaha Genealogical Society Index, opens a new window (indexed from OPL microfilm)

Douglas County Clerk's Office Marriage License Search, opens a new window (1940s-current)

FamilySearch Index to Nebraska Marriages, opens a new window (1855-1995)


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