Spring is on the way, and it’s a great time to start new projects or get back to some old ones! For the historically-minded, there is no better place than Omaha Public Library (OPL)’s Genealogy & Local History Room at 3020 S. 84th St., and no better time than Genealogy Week, March 2-8. National Genealogy…
Patron Spotlight: Justin Sampson
When Justin Sampson lost his job in fall 2022, he began contemplating a career change and visited a local job center to explore potential career paths. One opportunity in particular piqued his interest: drone pilot. He dug in to learn more about the emerging field–which, he discovered, could be utilized in everything from package delivery…
Online Learning Opportunities Abound at OPL
The new year is upon us, leaving many feeling inspired to learn a new skill, pursue a new passion, or seek out a new opportunity–whether personal or professional. Fortunately, Omaha Public Library (OPL) offers an abundance of online learning resources for those seeking self-improvement. Students of all ages can use Tutor.com to connect with a…
Volunteer Spotlight: Devon & Dianne
“I was there the day he came out,” Dianne Krantz said of her beloved Shetland Sheepdog, Devon. Thus began a lifelong bond between the newborn puppy and his owner-to-be. In 2007, Krantz helped deliver the litter of Shelties that included Devon, and soon afterward, chose one to take home. “He had the temperament that I…
Partner Spotlight: Lincoln-Lancaster County Genealogy Society
In a year seemingly defined by delays and deferred deadlines, one major project at OPL sailed to completion with dramatic speed. The genealogy department, housed at W. Dale Clark Main Library, completely overhauled and expanded its space, incorporating over 75 boxes of new periodicals donated by the Lincoln-Lancaster County Genealogy Society (LLCGS)—a transition originally estimated…
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