
Omaha Public Library (OPL) invites the community into its libraries and meets them where they are with needed library services.

OPL reaches out through community events, correctional facilities, shelters, hospitals, community centers, schools, universities, child development centers, nursing homes, faith-based institutions, veterans’ organizations, and more.

Outreach Request Form

OPL Offers

Direct Library Service
When circumstances create barriers to making in person library visits, Outreach Services may be able to offer library programming and reference services at your site.

Library Outreach at Community Events
Omaha Public Library is part of every neighborhood and its staff and volunteers attend as many community events as possible to register individuals with library cards and share information about the many resources people can access using their library.

Book Bike
Omaha Public Library may be seen at community events with its Book Bike. The Book Bike is a visual representation of OPL in communities that are served by the library - whether at a nearby location, online, or through OPL staff connecting people with great books and resources.

Speakers’ Bureau
If you are a business, community leader, neighborhood association, school administrator or event organizer at a school, hospital, or faith-based or community organization, please invite us to speak to your group. An OPL representative will present about free library services tailored to the specific needs and interests of their audience.

To request outreach services, please fill out the form below. Ample time in making your request is appreciated and will increase the likelihood of an OPL presence. Expect to hear from an OPL representative to work out the details.

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