Share Your Story

Omaha Public Library's branches attract over a million visitors each year. Each individual visits their library for reasons as unique and diverse as the community OPL serves. Do you have a library story that you'd like to share? If OPL has made a difference in your life, let us know by sharing your story here: 

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Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, jpeg, mp4, m4v, mov, wmv, avi, mpg, ogv, 3gp, 3g2, Max. file size: 30 MB.
By submitting these materials, you agree with the following release: I irrevocably grant Omaha Public Library the unlimited right to use and edit the enclosed or attached materials in any legal manner for the internal or external activities of the Library. I waive any and all rights, claims, demands or actions of any kind I or my child may have against the Library arising out of its use of the above material, including any right to present or future royalties or other compensation or any right of privacy. I agree to adhere to the terms outlined in the Omaha Public Library social media policy.
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