Exhibition Policy


OPL permits the display of collections of paintings, prints, sketches, sculpture artifacts, or other art objects (exhibits) for limited time periods. OPL sponsored exhibitions shall receive first priority. Exhibits are selected or prepared by library staff on the basis of their aesthetic quality, educational interest, and appeal to the community.

Exhibit Areas:          

There is limited exhibit space in each OPL location. Space varies by location. Information on exhibit space at each library may be obtained from the branch manager of that location or library administration.

Period of Display:                

Exhibits are expected to be on display for at least one month. Any change to this schedule must be approved in advance.


Exhibitors must complete the exhibit application listing the title of the work and a brief description of the exhibit and/or include an artist statement. Application for exhibits must be made in writing and, if requested by the library, accompanied by examples of work to be shown. Requests may not be submitted more than 18 months in advance. Applications for exhibitions in branch libraries are reviewed by the branch manager. Not all exhibits can be approved due to limited space and availability.


OPL is not responsible for damage or theft to the exhibit and provides no insurance coverage for this purpose. Although normal precautions for the exhibit’s security will be exercised by the library, ultimate responsibility for the exhibit belongs to the artist/owner.


Installation of the exhibit is the responsibility of the owner/artist/curator who must provide all necessary tools. The installation must not result in any physical damage to OPL’s premises and is subject to OPL’s approval.


Exhibit materials may be sold at the artist’s/owner’s discretion. Price information may not be displayed. Artists may provide price list or business cards to be handed out by library staff. The owner/artist agrees to allow OPL the right to photograph items by agreeing to exhibit a collection in the library. OPL can use the photographs to promote the exhibit, as well as the library in general, while giving appropriate credit to the owner/artist.


OPL staff shall be responsible for enforcing this policy. Exhibits may be prepared and installed by OPL, organizations, institutions, or individuals.

Approved by the Board of Trustees
of the Omaha Public Library February 13, 1985
Re-approved July 18, 2019
Updated on June 26, 2023

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