Circulation Policy

OPL strives to provide current and potential patrons with the fullest possible access to library materials and services. While OPL must take reasonable precautions to avoid theft and damage to its collections, the intent of this circulation policy is to enhance access, not to restrict it. 

An OPL library card is good at any of the library’s locations and allows for privileges at reciprocal locations. Check-out is limited to 40 items per account and is subject to limitations. The number of specific types of items may be limited due to popular demand.

Loan Periods
Most items may be checked out for 21 days with four renewals permitted unless the items are requested by other patrons. Renewals are not guaranteed and not all items are renewable. Some items may have shorter checkout periods.

Materials and Fines
Checked out materials (juvenile, young adult, and adult) will accrue fines. There is no grace period for adult or young adult items.

Fees Charged
Minor Damage Fee $5
Charge for Lost or Completely Damaged Materials List Price
Accounts that have rolled to Debt Collect $10

* The 40 item checkout may be subject to limitations

Fees Charged for Lost or Damaged Items
Patrons are responsible for any items checked out on their library card, including replacement cost for items lost or damaged. If a fee has been incurred that cannot be paid in full, OPL may offer a payment plan so that borrowing privileges can be maintained.

All OPL personnel shall be responsible for enforcing this policy.

Approved by the Board of Trustees
of the Omaha Public Library April 15, 2015
Re-approved December 16, 2021

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