March/April 2016: The Fractured World

The Fractured World
Jave Yoshimoto
March/April 2016

Yoshimoto's work takes on the ephemerality of news and information and how the emotions are brought to each tragedy in the news cycle are swept away by the wave of information that floods the media. He addresses this social amnesia through his art with the work acting as a social memory for tragic events so quickly forgotten in our information age.

Employing images of the overwhelming power of natural disasters to inspire empathy in the painting’s viewers, he uses visual color blocks and large fields to draw in the audience for a closer view, while the finer details of the piece keep the audience fixated and allow them to feel immersed in the painting themselves. Yoshimoto's belief is that art should be accessible to its viewers through human tales of struggle and survival as played out in the prevalent social amnesia of the information age.

For more information about Yoshimoto, visit, opens a new window.