September/October 2017: “Screen Shot” by Alex Jochim, Kristin Pluhacek and Sarah Jones

Screen Shot
Alex Jochim, Kristin Pluhacek and Sarah Jones
September 1 - Oct. 30, 2017

“Screen Shot” is a multimedia exhibition featuring the work of Alex Jochim, Kristin Pluhacek, and Sarah Jones which pushes through quick, yet intimate memories. These personal histories are abrupt, not unlike the endless scrolling feature of social media—conflating both emotions and artificiality. 

Alex Jochim is a photographer whose work captures found observances and emotions of his acquaintances. Other incidental artifacts exist as memory snapshots from his experiences. 

Kristin Pluhacek’s paintings are figurative and abstract layers of family and friends. Her informal marks are stacked with icons of smiley faces and bright colors hiding her personal stories and motives.

Sarah Jones’s cryptic work takes from Internet culture with flashy colors and found images output in lo-res. Her GIF-like quality is then clone stamped beyond recognition into a smorgasbord of manipulation—masked and freely open for interpretation. 

“Screen Shot” is a deliberate display that artificially constructs and collages seemingly dissimilar tones. Pausing briefly, each work is multidimensional and collectively the exhibition is a world wide web. These glimpse begin to further complicate grab-and-go cultural norms rampant in our perceptions of reality. 

“Screen Shot” is organized by the Omaha Public Library and curated by Alex Priest.